Ray's Resume

DOP / Director UK & Australia 2020


Australian Feature Films Cinema:
"LITTLE BOY LOST" 35mm. True story of Stephen Ward lost in bush land for six nights in central NSW.
Film received press acclaim and rated mid 30's on the 9 network.

"LADY STAY DEAD" 35mm. A modern day thriller with locations on the Sydney northern Peninsular.
Won an award at a French thriller festival.

"BROTHERS" 35mm. With locations in the Philippines, New Zealand, and Australia, this film traced the story of the Aus. journalists killed in Indonesia in the early sixties. Plenty of action using an international cast & crew.

"SHER MOUNTAIN MYSTERY" standard 16mm. blow-up to 35mm. A small budget thriller shot around Sydney, with Joe Bugner playing a guardian angel!!
"SAY A LITTLE PRAYER" Betacam SP. An interesting low budget feature shot on tape and transferred to 35mm (forerunner to digital xfer) print via the ACME modified 35mm kinescope system. This was the first feature to be shot using this process and received recognition from SMPTE. (see write up in ENCORE1/7/'90)
"THE FATAL BOND" 35mm.(April '91) A love triangle featuring the U.S. actress
Linda Blair with Jerome Ehlers as male lead. First world feature to use the Sony DAT Walkman as main sound recorder. (see 'Encore" May '91)(released Sydney Film Festival May 1992)
“SANCTUARY” Super 16 David Williamson’s Book/Play/Feature about two men caught in a political war of words with a shock conclusion. Steve Bisley and Archy Michaels in a thoughtful two hander.
“CRACKING ON” DV-16:9 to 35mm The autobiography of a Sydney director going down life’s crossroads. With the advent of wide screen this ‘film’ sets an example for what is to follow; HDTV now offers directors/DOP’s the choice of whatever format seems appropriate for their budget and end usage. The shoot is currently in post production.
UK Drama (highlights)
"The Snowgoose" 35mm. Paul Galicos book starring Richard Harris and Jenny Aguter. I received a nomination from The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (Hallmark Hall of Fame) 1971 (beaten by one film ..... "Joey's Story)
Click here for some info about "The Snow Goose"

"Colditz" 12 months at Ealing Studios and abroad on the award winning series with Robert Wagner David McCallum 26x50’ eps. Now on BBC boxed DVD set.

"A Day Out" Director Stephen Frears (The Queen etc) his first BBC drama about a group of cyclists on the streets and countryside of Yorkshire, B&W & colour . and written by Alan Bennet.  AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING

“A pin to See the Peepshow” Director Raymond Menmuir period drama shot on location in London and the west country. Won a local award.
Plus app. 10x50’ BBC dramas as regular drama output.

Documentaries. (BBC 10 years)
"Whicker's World" Over a period of 5 years I shot 25x 60' documentaries in the series with locations many times around the world. Alan could expect an audience of 15 million (U.K.) I shot a further 10x60' series in Australia BBC/7 network.

"The Royal Family" (2nd unit) 90 min. 35mm A unique study in depth and detail shot over a year time span documenting all facets of their busy schedule.
This led to me filming the QUEEN’S XMAS MESSAGE (6 years) shot in the Palace and many locations abroad up till my return to Australia.

"Tribal Eye" BBC/Warner Bros. David Attenborough's acclaimed series (6) including "Crooked Beak of Heaven" Canadian Red Indians......"Benin Bronzes" the ancient art of bronze casting in Nigeria & "Across the Frontiers" shot in the USA, Germany, Nigeria, and the Museum of Mankind, London......... This led to David's series;

"Life on Earth" I shot the Australian content amounting to three programs.............a world acclaimed series leading to DISCOVERY funding.
David on location on all shoots.

"RAF Strike Command" A close look at the old Russia war machine . I spent a memorable month with the RAF being the first civilian to film an interception with a group of 'Bear" aircraft from the cockpit of a Phantom and Lightning fighter. We also filmed the Mediterranean fleet from a variety of aircraft inc. and actually got some close ups of the Russian Bear tail gunner which was beamed around the world media.

"The day they sold Alaska" From Anchorage to Point Barrow via "Dead Horse" . The story of the oil pipeline construction through virgin territory based on the sale of the North West Slope. I came as close to death as ever I want to be when we found ourselves flying back to base after filming a remote Eskimo settlement. The pilot showed obvious concern as he announced he had been following the wrong river for an hour. The afternoon mist was rolling in fast as the dash board lights lit up announcing we were out of fuel, we crash landed in a shallow river with me worrying more about the footage. I continued to film the 7ft. brown bears that were not at all friendly. We were later picked up by another helicopter, very cold but unhurt.
"Rolls Royce" The sad story of the financial crash of the aircraft division prior to
Government takeover. Many small shareholders lost their life savings. This aspect was closely documented with the help of the shareholder's solicitors.

"A Year in The Life" 7x60' films. The series was shot as the titles suggest over a period of a year frequently updating the subjects: 'The Politician', "The Coal Mine', 'The Farmer', 'The Clergyman', 'The Rock Group’,’ The Marriage'. The close ties we developed with the participants developed into a very interesting series.
"Jerusalem" A fascinating look at the traditional, superstitious, confused situation around the holy city. Each religion with it's own version of the bible. each sect with its strict territorial boundaries. ......This film led to.....

"Chastity, Poverty, Obedience" A lighthearted study of today's nuns and their 'habits' The Catholics, the protestants & the Poor Clairs. What makes a woman settle for a lifestyle as seen by the majority as isolated, we observed that it came about from one of three reasons. The woman with strict parental religious upbringing. The woman who has lost a loved one. The woman who sees her life as nothing other than the Lords way, for whatever reason.

"Korea, After the War" A close look at South Korea through the eyes of the experienced journalist Rene Cutforth who covered the Korean War as a young man. A look back to the changes over a period of time. The continuing fight for survival, the political madness centered at Pan Man Jong..............little changed today.
"On Tour with the Osmonds" A multi camera coverage - one month following the European concerts of this talented family. This was a film editor’s nightmare, 20 hours footage reduced to 1 hour. The story encompassed the recording Co. (Polydor), the police, the airlines, the venues in three countries, & the public.

"Mexican Madness" My final documentary for the BBC whilst based in London. This turned out to be one of the best docs. I had been associated with. A story about the annual power boat race from central Mexico to the coast. A multi crew coverage, which encapsulated some of the finest documentary shooting and editing, shown 3 times on the BBC with worldwide distribution.

"From Chequered Flag to Green Light" (Bedford Prods. U.K. 2x50' docs. on the McLaren Formula one racing team featuring Ayrton Senner. We started with the 1990 Adelaide Grand Prix and followed through with the development and trials of the Honda V12 engine in Japan and on to his success at the Phoenix Grand Prix.

"Our Own Correspondent" The story of BBC journalist around the world reporting for BBC Radio & TV.*
"The Quiet Invasion" The overseas Chinese in Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, The Philippines.
"World about Us" Opal mining at Coober Pedy". "Origins of Society" A look at the strange figures on Easter Island.
"The Hollywood 10" An intriguing story of the US McCarthy era, how writers, actors in the 40's and still today suffer from the doubtful practices of the day.
"Kenneth Tynan" One of U.K's most controversial writer/playwrights.

"Yesterday's Witness" 4x60' films with titles inc. 'Hollywood Child Superstars' what’s left of 'Our Gang', 'Los Alimos-The Bomb', 'The Chevrolet Sit-In', 'The Great US Rail System'. Etc.

AND “Monty Pythons Flying Circus " ...say no more...

Australian 50' documentaries/ ABC & Commercial
Arthur Boyd
Peter Carey
Dreamtime Machinetime
Tom Keneally/ Eritrea
David Williamson
James Morrison
“The Fight for The Franklin” Two part documentary covering the events that took place between the Tasmanian Hydro Authority the Police and the Greenies. The dam was stopped when the Hawk Govt. came to power in 1983 . Bob Brown played a major role over the years.

Telefeatures. (Aus)
"High Country" 16mm. PBL/TCN/BBC (90min. film) this was a follow up to 'Man From Snowy River' set in the same locations. Fine performances from John Waters & Tom Oliver insured its success. (1st. Philip Hearnshaw)

"Skin Deep" Betacam. PBL/TCN (90min. tape) A cut above the average soapie, story of high fashion with Nicole Kidman, Carman Duncan and James Smilie. Film lighting applied to videotape.
"City of Glass" Beta/ Ten. This was a pilot directed by Rod Hardy, a study of the police surgeon, a little known arm of the force with some atmospheric scenes in Sydney's morgues.

"Two in the Bush" (60min. Betacam) Two English girls arrive in Sydney escaping the English winter, their first encounter is the Greek cabbie !!

“Kings Men” (15 eps.) First drama series for Reg Grundy back in 1976.

Children's Drama
"Blue Peter" (BBC) An ongoing series where the use of dramatised documentary style is combined with studio links. Projects were mounted both in U.K. and overseas.
"Jackanory" (BBC) A similar weekly series but aimed at the pre-schoolers. A variety of different projects involving children.
"Dr. Poopsnaggle" (Aus.) I worked with Howard Rubie (Wake in Fright) on three episodes of this series.
"Earth Patrol" (Aus.) 16mm. A 50 min' pilot for a Queensland Co. featuring Spike Milligan. Carl Shultz was the director and it was a very successful shoot............a series was planned but Spike's availability proved to be a problem.
"Paradise Kids" Betacam SP. A 25 min. pilot for international release.
"Skippy" ('91/'92 /9 network) 16mm neg. transfer. 26 eps. in and around the Warner Bros. studios on the Gold Coast. World sales.

"Children's Telefeatures." 4x90 min. telefeatures for Bob Brunning channel 7. Good scripts good cast. ‘Distant Home’ was shown on U.K’s Channel 4 and became cult viewing with four showings.

2003 “THIS IS HIGH DEFINITION” (also shown at the July 2003 SMPTE forum)
A 20 minute HD video documenting the facilities now available for shooting with today’s technology wrapped around three girls heading out for a night in Sydney, illustrating the cameras available from Sony and Panasonic with associated post production facilities.
The program is available for viewing on DVD, CD & original HD master, also
transferred to 1.85 35mm to match current cinema projection shown at the CREMORNE ORPHEUM using a Barco digital projector in their grande cinema. A program shot as HD will match any world sales requirement and be ahead of current & future transmission requests. I directed and shot this presentation and was supported by Lemac, Panavision, Sony, Panasonic/Rexel, AAV/Digital Pictures, etc.

2003/04 “The One Percenters”
90’ documentary on two of Australia’s largest bikie gangs The Bandidos & The
Comancheros, producer Martin Brown (Moulin Rouge) in pre production on a feature film concerning the events surrounding the ‘Milperra bikie massacre’ in the eighties.
Click here for ABC TV program summary

2007 "MONIKA’S STORY" 20’ (shoot direct and edit) The lost dogs of Sydney. …live on the web DoggieRescue.com go to information ‘video’ page.

2008 "JOOST/UK Sydney/ Hobart Yacht Race" 63’ documentary coverage of this years world famous event.

May 2008 "World Youth Day" French Television coverage for their 60 year old Sunday magazine program, covering the Pope’s visit to Sydney and the Catholic's migration to the main venue.

September 2008
Corporate litigation items for Geddies Solicitors:
Direct shoot & edit 20m case studies, two of which have brought $1/2m settlements BEFORE the court case.

2009 /ROLEX Sydney/Hobart ‘08/’09, Now on the web

National Party 90th. Birthday DVD

Corporates for Shell / Mobil / James Hardie Industries / Good Year / Australia Post / Police Service / Telecom / ICAC / Sir Lawrence Street legals etc.

Commercials (over 500)

2011 “Judy Bailey’s Jazz Connection” documenting the Big Band Sound of the early days via her talented pupils from the Sydney Conservatorium.

2010 “From LA to Glendale” Studebaker “ US National gathering in Arizona

In pre production:

"World War Two Aircraft". A documentary on the recovery of many aircraft from the Northern Territory/WA/New Guinea for USA.

"Ealing Studios re Visited"
Click here for link to "Relive the Ealing memories".

I have specialised in digital shooting since the first prototype Sony HD900 camera came to Australia in 2000
(See THIS IS HIGH DEFINITION at the Cremorne Orpheum 2003.)

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